It's Okay to Be Broken: Just know You Can't Stay  There

Autographed copies $22

Unsigned copies $19

This book is so much more than a regular self-help book with experiences that are based on a true story.

It is meant to serve as a literary piece about survival, strength, perseverance, courage, and finding confidence after experiencing something that was meant to break you. It is my hope that after you read this book, you are able to recognize warning signs in your relationship that you may have previously ignored, that you feel more confident in taking the first step to choosing yourself by leaving the abusive relationship and that you are inspired to find and use your voice to help other victims of Domestic Violence by sharing your own experience. Your voice matters. You matter.

**Item cost, shipping & tax will be reflected as ONE total upon final checkout.**

Learning to Love Dark Skinned Me

Autographed copies $15

Unsigned copies $11.99

This is the story of Venus, an 8-year-old girl who is having a hard time loving herself out loud due to constant bullying at school, until she has a conversation with a teacher that will change everything! Venus’ teacher takes the time to teach her about the Melanin Magic that makes her skin special. She supports Venus’ and encourages her to be herself.

Although the story is fictional, the inspiration behind it comes from a very real place. This is essentially the story of the author - she experienced severe bullying as a child from her peers and unfortunately, even teachers due to the color of her skin. Learning to Love Dark Skinned me is a book that helps children identify what they’re feeling no matter which side of the “bullying” they find themselves on.

The child who is being bullied feels the emotional or physical sting strongly and can also feel powerless; classmates who witness the bullying often don’t know what to do; and the child doing the bullying is most likely struggling too, with anger issues and things they may not feel comfortable speaking about aloud. Through the stories told in books, children can meet characters who are dealing with strong emotions and who learn to manage those feelings in positive ways. That’s what this book is all about. After reading, your child should understand that colorism and discrimination do exist, they should be able to recognize the power and importance of kindness, compassion and empathy for others, and ultimately learn to celebrate everything about themselves. 

**Item cost, shipping & tax will be reflected as ONE total upon final checkout.**

Venus "Black Girls are Magical" bookmark


LTLDSM "Be a Buddy, not a BULLY" bookmark


Now offering a 4-week Master Self Publishing Class!

The 4-week master self-publishing class is designed to maximize your success as a new author. Class will take place once per week for one hour virtually or in person depending upon the client's preference and geographical location. All components of the course package will be strategically structured and broken down over the course of four weeks so as not to overload the client and also allow for the provision of one-on-one guidance and advice. Class schedules and course curriculum will be provided once payment has been received and your DocuSign agreement has been signed and returned. Throughout the course aspiring authors will learn:

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